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  •  carer support - Carers play a Critical role in reducing the need for formal care. They often lynchpin between the person being cared for, social care, the medical team and other health and social care professionals. We provide support to help you as a carer to look after yourself, and to manage your feelings and relationships by signposting you to the appropriate services.

  • Social and Welfare Support - assessing needs and signposting to appropriate services including help with form filling and how best to navigate systems and processes

  • Mentoring & Peer Support - providing support through education, experience and skills to both health and social care workers in post and in training.

  • Advocacy, emotional support and Counselling - we ensure all treatment, care and personal issues are dealt with appropriately and sensitively. Specifically designed for those who do not feel they have a voice or find it difficult to assert their needs and views. We provide talking therapy to combat emotional therapy, the provision of resources including self-help tools as well as Signposting to the formal Counselling 

  • Hardship funds - support and raise funds to help with medical bills including life- changing treatments such as surgical interventions.

  • Bereavement support - support with care after death such registration of death, organising funerals, fundraising towards funeral payments and signposting to other resources such as bereavement counselling.

  • Educational, training development and service delivery - we can develop bespoke health related training packs and programmes. Organise face to face seminars, workshops, online webinars and skills development training to enhance knowledge and skills. We work with and collaborate with other organisations to provide hands on services such as outreach programmes and so on.

  • Volunteering - connecting with the community to providing support and services as we see fit.

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